Welcome: The Los Alamitos PTA Council Special Education Committee advocates in support of district parents and students who may have special needs.
If you think your child may have or does have a special need, here is some additional information that may help you get started:
How to Get a Child Tested: The beginning screening and assessment process from the California Childcare Health Program Special Education Assessment Health and Safety Note https://cchp.ucsf.edu/sites/g/files/tkssra181/f/SpecialEdAssesEN012606_adr.pdf Established in 1987, the California Childcare Health Program is a community-based program of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) School of Nursing, Department of Family Health Care Nursing. The multidisciplinary team trains professionals on health and safety issues related to early care and education settings, supports a statewide child care health consultation network, and conducts research. They produce a wealth of materials on health and safety in early care and education settings for professionals and families and part of their mission statement is to promote the inclusion of children with special needs and the elimination of barriers to their inclusion in all types of early childhood programs.
How to Contact Los Alamitos Unified School District: Los Alamitos Unified School District information can be found here. For help / questions about your student and their school's program, please start by contacting the student’s classroom teacher. Students with an IEP, contact the case carrier or the school. Students with 504 accommodations, contact the school psychologist or counselor.
How to Contact Parent PTA Special Education Representatives: Each school site will also have a PTA Special Education Rep. You can find your school’s PTA Special Education Rep at your PTA’s association meetings, and/or see your student’s school PTA e-newsletter for information about upcoming events, other items of interest. (The email sender may be your student’s school principal or school PTA).
Contact the PTA Special Education Committee: Contact Committee Chairperson Michelle Petersen [email protected]